
These stages deal with measuring or predicting two-point statistics.

class txpipe.random_cats.TXRandomCat(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Generate a catalog of randomly positioned points

This accounts for the depth being different in each pixel, but probably does still need updates, and testing.


Randomly subsample the binned random catalog and saves catalog

This can be used within the 2-point clustering stage for the RR term, to speed up the calculation without losing precision

Currently reloads the binned randoms and saves them

class txpipe.twopoint_fourier.TXTwoPointFourier(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Make Fourier space 3x2pt measurements using NaMaster

This Pipeline Stage computes all auto- and cross-correlations for a list of tomographic bins, including all galaxy-galaxy, galaxy-shear and shear-shear power spectra. Sources and lenses both come from the same shear_catalog and tomography_catalog objects.

The power spectra are computed after deprojecting a number of systematic-dominated modes, represented as input maps.

In the future we will want to include the following generalizations:
  • TODO: specify which cross-correlations in particular to include

    (e.g. which bin pairs and which source/lens combinations).

  • TODO: include flags for rejected objects. Is this included in

    the tomography_catalog?

  • TODO: ell-binning is currently static.

class txpipe.twopoint.TXTwoPoint(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Make 2pt measurements using TreeCorr

This stage make the full set of cosmic shear, galaxy-galaxy lensing, and galaxy density measurements on the tomographic catalog using TreeCorr.

Results are saved to a sacc file.

call_treecorr(i, j, k)[source]

This is a wrapper for interaction with treecorr.

get_patch_dir(input_tag, b)[source]

Select a patch directory for the file with the given input tag and with a bin number/label.

To ensure that if you change the catalog the patch dir will also change, the directory path includes the unique ID of the input file.

  • input_tag (str) – One of the tags in the class’s inputs attribute

  • b (any) – An additional label used as the last component in the returned directory



Return type:

a directory, which has been created if it did not exist already.

prepare_patches(calcs, meta)[source]

For each catalog to be generated, have one process load the catalog and write its patch files out to disc. These are then re-used later by all the different processes.

  • calcs (list) – A list of (bin1, bin2, bin_type) where bin1 and bin2 are indices or bin labels and bin_type is one of the constants SHEAR_SHEAR, SHEAR_POS, or POS_POS.

  • meta (dict) – A dict to which the number of patches (or zero, if no patches) will be added for each catalog type, with keys “npatch_shear”, “npatch_pos”, and “npatch_ran”.


Determine the bins to use in this analysis, either from the input file or from the configuration.


Run the analysis for this stage.

class txpipe.theory.TXTwoPointTheoryReal(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Compute theory predictions for real-space 3x2pt measurements. Uses CCL in real space and saves to a sacc file.

class txpipe.theory.TXTwoPointTheoryFourier(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Compute theory predictions for Fourier-space 3x2pt measurements. Also uses CCL and saves to a sacc file

class txpipe.jackknife.TXJackknifeCenters(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Generate jack-knife centers from random catalogs.

This uses TreeCorr but cuts down the amount of data by taking only every n’th point.

plot(ra, dec, patch)[source]

Plot the jackknife regions.