
These stages deal with blinding measurements

  • TXBlinding - Blinds real-space measurements following Muir et al

  • TXNullBlinding - Pretend to blind but actually do nothing.

class txpipe.blinding.TXBlinding(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Blinds real-space measurements following Muir et al

This stage computes the shift in theory predictions between a fiducial cosmology and a cosmology randomly chosen based on a seed value.

It then applies that shift to the observations in a sacc file.


Run the analysis for this stage.

  • Load two point SACC file

  • Blinding it

  • Output blinded data

  • Optionally deletete unblinded data

class txpipe.blinding.TXNullBlinding(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Pretend to blind but actually do nothing.

This null stage trivially copies the real raw data to real without blinding, for use with simulated data, etc.


Run the analysis for this stage.

  • Load two point SACC file

  • Copy two point SACC file twopoint_data_real_raw to twopoint_data_real